91X Feedback Board
Here's what some of our friends had to say about 91X. It's nice to know you folks like what we're doing! Keep those cards and letters (and e-mail) coming! Don't forget to add your comments to our Feedback Board!
i used to listen to your station all the time before i moved to the Chicago area. now im trying to remember all the great mid 90's alternative rock bands that you guys ussed to play, is there any chance your station can send me a list of the top 40's from the mid 90's so i can find those bands i used to enjoy rockin out to so much?
Post date: 06/19/17 10:25 AM
(From Houston, Texas) Hello ... I don't listen to your radio ... But I wanted to check out some webcams .... And it's hard to find good webcams. Because a whole lot of them, like yours, show pictures of buildings. (??)....When people want to check out webcams, they (myself among them) want to see PEOPLE! ... Not a big pile of bricks. Why don't you set up a webcam where there are usually some people? ... Thanks....
Post date: 06/19/17 10:25 AM
I recently moved back to the area from the LA area in California. I still listen to KROQ online. There is a band that they have jumped on called Silversun Pickups. The song that is big right now is called "Lazy Eye". I think you guys should jump on this. You always beat every station around here with good quality songs. Anyway. Just a heads up. Keep up the good work.
Post date: 06/19/17 10:25 AM
(From the LA Tech campus) Great website and station ... I just wish KLPI was half as good as you guys. Quick question, where did you guys get your website template from? (If it is a template) Keep up the great work and quality programing!
Post date: 06/19/17 10:25 AM
I recently heard "life on the line" while listening ... I thought that it was a good song, but when i searched for the cd i found nothing (internet, itunes, Sam Goody) ... Where Can I get this CD?!!
Post date: 06/19/17 10:25 AM
Around 6:30-7:00 Friday night, December 23 (specific, I know), I heard a song on 91X and it just really stuck with me.
Problem? I can only remember one line. It's something like, "You can't tell me (or us) what to do anymore" and I've looked up the line all day but can only find 'Free' by Vast. And that's not it.
For some reason it reminded me of The Killers. Anyone have any ideas?
Post date: 06/19/17 10:25 AM
Just wanted to say you guys are the best station out there playing exactly what I like to hear. I think you all should do a HomeGrown music deal where you play only local music during that time. I think you would get some great ratings off of a program like that. Plus it will help us starving artist out here get our sound heard. Thanks keep up the great work.
Post date: 06/19/17 10:25 AM
I listen to KXUL every day from my Nova Southeastern University dorm room in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. The college radio here sucks! BUT KXUL RULES!
Post date: 06/19/17 10:25 AM
Looks like you guys are picking up speed in Conway, AR!!! Your format is like no other. Keep up the good work.
Post date: 06/19/17 10:25 AM
(From a University of California Santa Cruz residence hall) I found this radio station when I was in Louisiana visiting my grandparents, and man, you rocked me to my bones! I heard some of my absolute favorite bands that never get radio play! Now that I'm back in California, I still love to listen. You kick the snot out of practically any other radio station across the country that I've heard. Keep up the good work!
Post date: 06/19/17 10:25 AM