91X Feedback Board

Here's what some of our friends had to say about 91X. It's nice to know you folks like what we're doing! Keep those cards and letters (and e-mail) coming! Don't forget to add your comments to our Feedback Board!

(The most recent comments appear at the top of the page.)
I'm lookin for this song that goes something like ... "I dont want to make things any worse, I dont want to speak these words." Thats all I know of it pretty much and I have no clue who sings it.
This station should be the ideal of all others: no ads, no hyperactive DJs who push the "canned applause" button WAY too often, local bands mixing with mainstream mixing with indie. Might I add a kickass website that is not too snobby to give frequent and helpful feedback? And a BIG thank you for featuring Ben Gibbard on today's Jam Session! Speaking of, could you help me out on the name of the latest Postal Service song y'all have started playing?
I'm so stoked to see you guys playing more Burden Brothers -- after seeing them in Monroe, I have been to 3 more of their shows and each one has been so kick a**. They played with Pleasure Club in Austin/Dallas -- do you guys have any Pleasure Club songs? They did one live, something about evil, say evil or speak no evil or something -- Is that on a playlist anywhere? HELP, I need some Pleasure Club...
Can you please tell me the artist and title of the song that's chorus says ... "i break in two over you" and it says something like: "only you can give the breath of life"?? plz>>>!!!!
Ok I listen to the Cornerstone program all the time on Sunday mornings, because it's great to hear music like that around here, no where else can you. My question however is about a song that played. On Sunday, February 29th ... a song was played before noon ... it was a remake of Real Life - Send me an Angel ... and I would really like to know who it was. I really like the song (it was in 80's cult BMX movie Rad). So if you guys could provide me any help, I'd appreciate it thanks.
I am a long time listener to 91X. I dont meen to bitch but whats up with the programing???? the new stuff sucks I meen "dash board confesionnal" come on you can do better than that. not only "DBC" but other sorry bands aswell. The main stream stuff is not what gave you your kick ass rep!! It was the "unheard of" bands that really rocked. ALthought Kirt Cobain is no longer whith us the music will never grow old. tool is nolonger a band but they still kick. and the guys that are bitchin that in my six years of listening I have never heard on this station AFI, HIM, the flogging mollies, placebo. Go for the guys that do it for the music not the money. Make the good choice and dont loose all the hard core 91X fans. thats all I gatta say for now. Remember all the good programing fron long ogo and just have fun ... seeya. P.S, put a 24 hours a day choice on the "when do you listen most to 91X?" list.
I'm a former ULM student, current Delta student, an advocate for and avid listener of 91X ... I used to hear requests on the station for volunteers. Do you still take volunteers? and if so, what are the requirements?
I'm a 1991 alum of Northeast and I now live in Baton Rouge. 91X is still the best college radio station I've ever heard. You guys play TRUE college alternative music. Not the stuff you will hear on mainstream radio in a couple of months. I wish KLSU was as good. Keep it up.
maybe yall could play more hard rok. is it possible to play korn sometimes, Nirvana roks. ur the only station i listen to when im in monroe. ever since 2 years ago when a friend told me about yall im not sure if the dial still works on my tuner.
Yeah. 91X is awesome. The only changes you need to make is that you need to play Lucky Boys Confusion, Smile Empty Soul, Three Days Grace, Thousand Foot Krutch, and Eve6 more often.
